Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Miracle of Life: a journey begins

       My husband and I went for our 11 week checkup yesterday. Since my doctor said it was too early to hear a heartbeat we did an ultrasound. The heart was beating strong and the baby kicked! It was so amazing to see the little life that is growing inside my womb. Transitioning from being a married woman to an expectant mother is proving to be an experience I never expected. From all the aches and pains to the nausea and not to mention everything you can not do or eat. It's overwhelming to be presented with all these rules and guidelines you have to follow, making you think "How could I ever do this right and keep all my sanity?" It's also scary thinking that one wrong step and you could harm your baby or you. And then you see that ultrasound... a hand flings up and a leg kicks, and you have long forgotten the worries and stresses of being pregnant and are filled with awe and pure joy at the little life growing inside of you. Well at least this was my experience and since this is my first I have little to compare with. Maybe I'm just crazy, hormonal and pregnant but knowing that I'm carrying a life, growing a tiny human, is cause enough for me to be in awe of how amazing God is and how a miracle is happening inside of me....sorry for the cliche. Sometimes to really appreciate life, I think looking at it where it begins is so vital. Can not wait to share this journey with you. Hope you tag along!

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